The Greenpoint Courier 

The Greenpoint Courier has an article on why the sewage plant has been stinking up the hood more recently. DEP’s answer: a bunch of gross industrial incidents and excavation of “oil” (by which they probably mean polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons- the …

Newtown Creek news

A note from our friends at the Newtown Creek Alliance that the EPA is going to take a closer look at the creek. The upshot is that this could be a path on the road to Superfund status, which would …

Newtown Creek Brownfield Map

The Newtown Creek Alliance has created a map that shows the brownfields, superfund sites, emissions facilities and waste transfer stations that surround the polluted waterway. It’s sobering and informative.

They used a new tool for environmental justice groups called Habitat Map.

Thanks to the indefatigable …


NAG is pleased to join GWAPP, Friends of Bushwick Inlet Park and other local groups as partners in the Where’s Our Park initiative. The Saturday, the City celebrates It’s Our Park day – in North Brooklyn, we are saying ‘Where’s …